
TTi Tanks Dealer

TTi water cartage tank features
Click for a video on the features of our water cartage tanks

20 year warranty! Specifically designed for transporting, storing or carting drinking water- heavy duty - complies with AS2070 Plastic Materials for Food Contact & Australian water tank Standard AS4766 Polyethylene Storage Tanks for water. Add the Ball baffle stability system to stop surge. Can be retro-fitted to most liquid cartage tanks. Ball baffles are food safe.

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Sizes and prices

TTi poly tanks are roto-moulded in regional Victoria, with cheap freight to many areas outside Victoria. Roto moulding means you get a single mould with no joins or welds, enabling good flex and giving great resistance to cracking or fatigue. TTi also moulds diesel-grade poly. Trans Tank International incorporates Rapid Spray Southern- same tank, new identity. You can tell a tti water tank by its distinctive lime green colour- known as "safety green". Poly Tank Supplies is your approved TTi dealer

tti tanks dealerTransTank International tti